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Understanding White-Collar Mortgage Fraud in Texas
White-collar crimes refer to various criminal behaviors typically committed by business professionals. One widespread example of a white-collar crime is mortgage fraud, which is any misstatement of information used by a lender when funding a property. Mortgage fraud is becoming increasingly prevalent in Texas and across the United States. It is essential to understand how mortgage fraud is committed, its penalties, and how to prevent prosecution in the event that you are accused.
Ways Mortgage Fraud is Committed
Individuals can commit mortgage fraud in a variety of ways. A homebuyer, seller, real estate agent, or lender can misrepresent information at any stage of the process of obtaining a mortgage. In the most common type of mortgage fraud, an entity involved in the mortgage process may choose to omit financial information, misrepresent costs, or falsify a buyer's ability to apply for a mortgage. Prosecutors can find fraudulent statements in:
Can I Defend Myself Against a Motion to Revoke My Probation in Texas?
After being charged with a crime in Texas, some offenders will be released under a period of supervision called probation. Probation is used to ensure that a person previously sentenced for a crime is following the law. A probation officer is assigned to an individual to monitor his or her progress after incarceration or probation may be used as an alternative to incarceration for a crime. When that individual fails to maintain the probation order and breaks the law, the state of Texas can make a motion to revoke the probation. However, individuals who feel they had their probation revoked unjustly may have a case to defend themselves and maintain their probationary period.
Reasons Probation May Be Revoked
If an individual violates their probation, the state of Texas will file to have the probation removed. The process is done by filing a formal document called the Motion to Revoke Probation, which includes the incident that led to the revocation. Typically, any law-breaking activity can result in a loss of probation. Some of the most common reasons probation is revoked include:
Can I Get a DUI For Drinking and Boating in Texas?
It is common knowledge that drinking and driving is illegal and can lead to a DUI. But what are the drinking laws related to boating? In the state of Texas, drinking and boating can lead to a BWI (boating while intoxicated). As the excitement of spring lingers and Texans prepare for warmer weather, it is important to understand the drinking laws while boating in Texas.
What is a BWI?
Just like a DUI charge (driving while intoxicated), a boating while intoxicated, or BWI, charge has similar consequences including license suspension, fines and even jail time. However, there are important differences to remember between drinking laws in a motorized vehicle and a watercraft.
In a car, it is illegal to have an open container of alcohol. A driver can be arrested in Texas for having open alcohol in his or her car. But this law does not apply to boating. You can have open alcohol on the boat as long as the boat driver is not over the legal limit of intoxication when driving. Texas law considers someone legally intoxicated when their blood alcohol level (BAC) reaches 0.08 percent or above. A breathalyzer test can be administered on the water by a policing boat to determine a boater’s BAC.
Understanding Intoxication Manslaughter in San Antonio, Texas
Being charged with DWI/DUI is very serious, but an intoxication manslaughter charge in Texas is considered the most severe of toxication-related offenses. Intoxication manslaughter occurs when someone operating a motor vehicle is under the influence of drugs or alcohol and causes an accident, resulting in the death of another. This type of occurrence can be life-altering for all parties involved. Hiring an experienced attorney that can help you understand the circumstances stemming from such a severe charge is imperative because of the penalties and fines you would likely face.
What Does Intoxication Manslaughter Mean?
Even if there was no intent to harm anyone and the car wreck was purely accidental, you could still be charged with intoxication manslaughter. There are a variety of charges that can be filed when an impaired driver causes an accident involving a serious injury or death, including:
Beating a DWI Charge in Texas
Being charged with a DWI or DUI is never an ideal situation to be in, but understanding your legal rights and hiring the right DWI/DUI defense attorney can help you build a strong defense. Your lawyer will make sure that the traffic stop was justified and may challenge the accuracy of any field sobriety tests and breathalyzer tests. Even though these tests are commonly used by police, there are instances where they are given under unreliable circumstances. Being placed under arrest and charged with DWI can turn into a battle that lasts for months or even years, but following the correct steps could help pave the way for proving your innocence.
Illegal Traffic Stops
A police officer cannot pull over a vehicle unless he or she has probable cause to do so. For example, police may witness a traffic violation or see possible evidence of intoxicated driving like weaving between lanes. Police also need probable cause to arrest a suspect. If the police do have a valid reason to pull you over, they still cannot perform an illegal search of your vehicle. Police are prohibited from searching a suspect or their vehicle over a minor traffic offense probable cause. Any evidence collected without the driver’s consent or probable cause is not admissible in court.
Understanding Drug Free Zones in Texas
Texas takes the illegal buying and selling of controlled substances very seriously. A drug crime conviction carries harsh penalties, including prison time, mountainous fines, and reputational damage that is difficult to repair.
However, not all drug crimes are the same. The location of the crime impacts the penalties, with Texas law punishing offenses that occur in “drug free zones” more harshly.
What Places Are Considered Drug Free Zones?
In the State of Texas, the following locales are considered drug free zones:
- Any area within 1,000 feet of a place frequented by children
- Daycare centers
- Elementary schools
- Secondary Schools
- Colleges
- Universities
- Playgrounds
Additionally, drug free zones are also any area within 300 feet of:
Felony Assault vs. Misdemeanor Assault in San Antonio
Most people are familiar with the crime of assault. When they hear the word, they often imagine a victim being punched, hit, or inflicted with some kind of physical blow. Although this constitutes one kind of assault in Texas, other kinds of assault exist, some of which involve no physical contact. The nature of the assault determines whether the offense is a misdemeanor or a felony. The circumstances of the alleged assault also influence the defendant’s sentence.
Misdemeanor Assault
- Class C Misdemeanor Assault: A defendant may face a class C misdemeanor charge if the alleged assault victim suffers no bodily harm. Threats of imminent physical harm and offensive physical touching without consent may result in class C misdemeanor charges. The maximum penalty for this offense is a $500 fine.
- Class B Misdemeanor Assault: Class B misdemeanor assault charges may result from physical attacks against athletes and coaches by spectators. The maximum penalty for a class B misdemeanor assault charge is a $2000 fine and six months in prison.
How Does Texas Define Stalking?
Domestic violence can take many different forms; in fact, it does not even require physical contact. Sometimes, simply a person’s presence is enough to constitute the crime. Stalking is one example of this.
In the State of Texas, a person may be convicted of stalking if their behavior causes someone to fear for their safety.
Stalking Charges in San Antonio
Stalking encompasses a wide range of behavior and could include verbal communication, trespassing on the victim’s property, and repeatedly following the victim. If these actions make the victim fear there is imminent danger to themselves, their family, or their property, the actions may constitute stalking.
Examples of stalking include:
- Repeatedly sending threatening text messages
- Frequently appearing near someone’s house or residence
Can a Felon Possess a Firearm in Texas?
In addition to serving jail time and paying fines, convicted felons are forced to forfeit certain rights. At the State and Federal levels, felons face unique restrictions not imposed on the rest of society. Texas is no different in this regard.
Felons face many unique limitations in the Lone Star State, but one in particular stands out – gun possession.
The State places certain restrictions on when a Texan with a felony conviction may own a gun.
This law is intriguing, considering Texas is known for lenient gun laws and one of the highest rates of gun ownership in the country. Many Texans consider the right to bear arms a fundamental part of their identity.
Can Felons Own Guns in Texas?
Although felons can own guns in the State of Texas, they may only do so in certain circumstances. If a felon possesses a firearm in violation of state law, they may be charged with unlawful possession of a firearm, a serious criminal offense
Is Human Smuggling A State or Federal Crime in Texas?
At more than 1,200 miles, Texas has the longest border with Mexico than any other state in the country. Although concerns about illegal immigration are largely a federal matter, state lawmakers and residents in many ways see it as a state issue as well. So, it begs the question: when is human smuggling a state or federal crime in Texas?
The short answer is the fate of a person who smuggles illegal immigrants, or people who have entered the country without prior authorization from the U.S. government, largely depends on the law enforcement agencies involved in the arrest and the severity of the crime
State Human Smuggling Laws
The Texas Penal Code considers the smuggling of persons as a felony and defines it in three different ways
First, it is when you use a vehicle to transport a person into the country illegally and also use that vehicle to hide the person from government authorities.