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How Serious Are Federal Gun Crime Charges?

 Posted on September 22, 2023 in Criminal Law

TX defense lawyerGun crimes are a significant concern in the United States, prompting discussions about the jurisdiction and enforcement of firearms-related offenses. While many gun crimes are prosecuted at the state level, federal law also plays a crucial role in addressing and prosecuting federal gun crimes. If you are facing federal gun charges, your freedom may be at stake, as a federal gun crime conviction can lead to devastating personal and professional consequences. Contact a lawyer with experience in defending clients against federal gun charges. While a positive outcome cannot be guaranteed, hiring a lawyer is your best chance at obtaining a favorable case outcome. 

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What is an Accessory After the Fact in Criminal Law?

 Posted on September 07, 2023 in Criminal Law

TX defense lawyerThe criminal justice system holds individuals accountable for committing crimes, and their involvement after a crime has been committed. One such role is that of an accessory after the fact. If you have been charged as an accessory after the fact, you need to strongly consider hiring a criminal defense lawyer to ensure your rights are protected.

Definition of an Accessory After the Fact

In Texas law, an accessory after the fact is an individual who, after a crime has been committed, assists or harbors the perpetrator with the intent to prevent their identification, capture, or prosecution. This assistance can take various forms, such as providing the perpetrator shelter, transportation, or financial aid.

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What is Asset Forfeiture?

 Posted on August 25, 2023 in Criminal Law

TX defense lawyerAsset forfeiture is a legal process that allows law enforcement agencies to seize, and potentially forfeit assets tied to criminal activity. This tool is used to disrupt and combat organized crime, drug trafficking, money laundering, and other illicit activities. Today, we will look at the concept of asset forfeiture in criminal cases, exploring its rationale, procedure, and potential impact on the individuals involved. If you are facing criminal charges and fear your assets may be seized or forfeited, contact a San Antonio area criminal defense lawyer to get the legal help you need.

Rationale Behind Asset Forfeiture

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Understanding Compassionate Release for Federal Prisoners in Texas

 Posted on August 10, 2023 in Criminal Law

TX defense lawyerCompassionate release is a program in Texas that allows federal prisoners to be released from prison before completing their full sentence. Today, we will explain the basis of compassionate release and what you need to know about the program. If you have a loved one you believe may qualify for compassionate release, contact a federal criminal defense lawyer to begin the process of pursuing the release of your loved one.

What is Compassionate Release?

Compassionate release, also known as early release, is a program that allows eligible federal prisoners in Texas to leave prison before their sentence ends. This is intended to help prisoners dealing with exceptional and unexpected circumstances.

 Who is Eligible for Compassionate Release?

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Penalties for Smuggling a Minor from Mexico Conviction

 Posted on July 31, 2023 in Criminal Law

TX defense lawyerBeing charged with smuggling a minor into Texas from Mexico is a serious criminal offense that carries significant legal consequences. The severity of the punishment depends on various factors, including the specific circumstances surrounding the case, the defendant’s criminal history, and the judge’s discretion. Today, we will provide general information about the potential legal consequences of this offense and suggest that anyone charged with such an offense must absolutely retain legal counsel to ensure their rights are protected.

The Legal Consequences of Smuggling a Minor into Texas

Here is what you need to know about these grim charges, including:

  • Federal vs. state charges – Smuggling a minor across the border can lead to criminal charges at both the federal and state levels. Federal alien smuggling charges typically carry more severe penalties, while state charges may result in lesser penalties. It is also not uncommon for individuals to be slapped with both state and federal charges in human smuggling cases.

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What Does it Mean to Face Federal Criminal Charges?

 Posted on July 17, 2023 in Federal Crimes

TX defense lawyerFacing federal criminal charges can be a very overwhelming and intimidating experience for anyone involved in the legal system. These charges differ significantly from state-level or local offenses due to the jurisdiction and the severity of the consequences involved. Today, we will explore what it actually means to face federal criminal charges – from the initial investigation to potential outcomes – providing you with a comprehensive overview. For legal assistance in this very serious matter, contact a criminal defense attorney to protect yourself legally against the very serious charges you now face.

Understanding Federal Law Jurisdiction

The first crucial aspect to understand is that federal crimes are those that violate U.S. federal laws. They cover a wide range of offenses, such as drug trafficking, immigration violations, white-collar crimes, organized crime, terrorism, and more. The engaging factor in these cases is that federal agencies, such as the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) or the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), often handle federal investigations and are the ones who ultimately bring charges.

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What Constitutes the Trafficking of Firearms in Texas?

 Posted on June 28, 2023 in Criminal Law

TX defense lawyerGun trafficking or smuggling is a federal criminal offense that involves buying and selling firearms through illegal channels. Such activities are considered grave offenses in Texas and thus qualify as federal gun crimes under the law. Gun trafficking ultimately contributes to gun violence in communities, often leaving a wake of devastation in towns across Texas. Individuals convicted of gun trafficking may face significant prison sentences, leading to federal investigations that often lead to additional charges. If you have been charged with gun trafficking, you need a criminal defense attorney not afraid to help you fight these heavyweight charges.

Gun Trafficking in Texas

The FBI and ATF have primary responsibility for identifying and shutting down illegal gun trafficking networks. Federal law defines gun trafficking as a profit-based offense or business. Usually, gun trafficking leads to increased crime since, through such trafficking, guns end up in the hands of people who should not have access to weapons. It is widely believed that gun trafficking is an accelerant to violent crime, including gang-related criminal activity.

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What Are Most Important Factors to Know About Bank Fraud?

 Posted on June 15, 2023 in Criminal Law

TX defense lawyerBank fraud is one of the most serious white-collar crimes, covering various criminal activities against banks or other financial institutions. If you are facing bank fraud charges, you may be overwhelmed with what you should do to remedy this situation. While there is no snap-of-the-finger solution to rid you of your legal troubles, contacting a criminal defense lawyer can significantly benefit you and your case as you fight to defeat these severe charges.

Here is What to Know About Bank Fraud

Bank fraud typically entails an individual or company attempting to commit fraud against a bank through false statements or illegally obtaining money from the bank. This type of fraud is a serious crime and, if found guilty, can land someone in prison for extended periods of time while also imposing steep fines on the convicted party.

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Defending Against Manslaughter Charges in Texas

 Posted on May 26, 2023 in Criminal Law

TX defense lawyerIn Texas, manslaughter is a very serious second-degree felony offense that carries with it severe penalties and the possibility of a lengthy jail term. If you have been charged with manslaughter, it is essential you understand the severity of the situation. It is strongly recommended that you contact a criminal defense attorney, as this may be your only hope of fighting these charges and pursuing a favorable outcome in your case. Criminal defense attorneys are well-equipped with the knowledge necessary to build a legal defense against violent crimes like manslaughter.

What to Know About Manslaughter in Texas

Manslaughter is defined in Texas as recklessly causing the death of another person. As stated at the outset, manslaughter is prosecuted as a second-degree felony, which can result in a prison term of between two and 20 years. However, if found guilty, the sentence you may receive will depend on several factors, most importantly, the circumstances surrounding the incident.

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I Was Charged with Simple Assault After a Bar Incident. What Should I Do?

 Posted on May 10, 2023 in Criminal Law

TX defense lawyerIn its severest form, Texas law defines simple assault as an act where someone intentionally or knowingly causes bodily injury to another individual. In Texas, the most severe simple assault charge is that which results in the bodily injury of the sufferer as a Class A misdemeanor offense, carrying up to one year of jail time and fines reaching $4,000. A conviction of this offense can have many adverse consequences, including damaging your reputation, affecting your future job prospects, and alienating or losing close personal friends. However, with effective criminal legal representation, you can give yourself a chance to fight the charges and pursue a favorable case outcome.

Considerations for a Simple Assault Charge

Picture this: you are in a bar with friends when suddenly, you hear a bar patron berating your friend over the color shirt they are wearing. Upset, you spin around, and will all your might; you aggressively shove the person, only for them to fall flat on their back and hit their head on a bar stool. As the bar patron lies bleeding on the floor, writhing in pain, the police are called, and you are arrested for simple assault.

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1011 S. Alamo,
San Antonio, Texas 78210