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Deep in the Heart of Texas: Farther Up the Road With an Open Container of Alcohol Can Cause You Heartache

 Posted on January 27, 2017 in Traffic Violations

Deep in the Heart of Texas: Farther Up the Road With an Open Container of Alcohol Can Cause You HeartacheThe phone rings, it is three o’clock in the morning and your friend needs your help. After a night out on the Texas town your friend has come to the realization that they are too intoxicated to drive. Satisfied with your friend’s decision of not enlisting in the ranks with the reported 2.1% of Texans who have admitted to driving while having too much to drink, you are only happy to help. Clearly beyond the legal limit of a .08 blood alcohol concentration (BAC) and not another soul in sight they surely made the smart decision of contacting you for help but there is one thing that could easily undo this good deed, your friend jumped in your car with an open container of alcohol.

Thankful you were available to help and save your friend from an almost certain driving while under the influence (DWI) charge or worse yet, an accident, not much thought has been given to the open beer as you continue the drive to his house.

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Front Line Defense with Mothers Against Drunk Driving® - How Everyone Can Aid in the Campaign

 Posted on January 13, 2017 in DWI / DUI

Front Line Defense with Mothers Against Drunk Driving® - How Everyone Can Aid in the CampaignMothers Against Driving® or MADD, the nation’s largest non-profit organization dedicated to protecting families from those choosing to drive while under the influence of alcohol or drugs, at last count posted 600 official chapters across the United States, Texas included.

Currently in the great state of Texas alone, MADD® currently covers each navigational region as offices can be found in such Texas cities as

  • Austin,
  • El Paso,
  • Houston,
  • Irvine,
  • San Antonio, and
  • Tyler.

Following the death of a founding member’s daughter due to an alcohol-related crash on September 5, 1980, MADD has been promoting their message of no more victims and has recently published viable information for the public to become involved in their campaign.

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San Antonio DWI Arrests Down By 25% - Are Uber and Lyft Ride-Share Programs Responsible?

 Posted on January 03, 2017 in DWI / DUI

Are Lyft and Uber lowering DWIs in San Antonio?, DWI, DUI statistics, Uber, LyftOne dark and snowy night in Paris, 2008, Travis Kalanick and Garrett Camp were frustrated and troubled when trying to hail a cab. Thinking there had to be a better way, their solution would revolutionize how we get from Point A to Point B with just a few clicks on our smartphones. Uber was born.

By downloading the Uber app, we now can rely seemingly on technology to solve

our logistical needs. Need a ride, have a package to deliver or without worry, plan a night out on the town without a possible arrest looming for driving while under the influence (DWI)?  With one quick tap of an app, a low-cost car is on its way.

Great ideas beget competition and in 2012, Lyft, another private transportation startup, also launched a mobile app and now operates in 65 countries and the United States and continues to expand its horizons. Uber is doing the same.

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Just How Safe Are Our Children? Chattanooga School Bus Crash Under Investigation

 Posted on December 20, 2016 in DWI / DUI

Just How Safe Are Our Children? Chattanooga School Bus Crash Under InvestigationA Chattanooga, Tennessee man has been arrested and charged with multiple counts of reckless endangerment and reckless driving resulting in the deaths of five elementary school children. Additionally, two dozen children were transported to local hospitals to assess injuries.  

First responders worked for hours to free the children from the twisted wreckage while parents anxiously looked on.

The probable cause, speeding. It has been reported that the bus was excessively accelerating, lost control around a bend and nearly ripped in two as it hit a tree.  

Chattanooga Police Chief Fred Fletcher described the scene as “every public safety professional’s worst nightmare”. No doubt there will be additional testing for possible driving under the influence of alcohol or illegal substances.

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Subsequent DUI/DWI Can Lead to Serious Consequences

 Posted on November 30, 2016 in DWI / DUI

Texas DWI attorneyIn the state of Texas, even a first DUI/DWI can result in heavy penalties, including the loss of a license, jail time, fines, and an annual fee to retain your license once it can be reinstated. What happens, though, when a first mistake turns into a second or third? What are the consequences for those who are caught driving intoxicated years later, or beyond a third time? The following outlines the laws in Texas for subsequent DWI convictions.

Second and Third DUI Convictions

Texas has an indefinite “lookback” period, meaning your DUIs and DWIs are never truly forgotten by the justice system. Every conviction counts against you, regardless of how much time has lapsed. So, even if your last conviction was 20 years ago, and you were recently arrested for an allegedly driving intoxicated, you are looking at charges for a second DWI.

If convicted, you could face up to a year in jail, a two-year suspension of your driver’s license, an annual fee to retain your license to retain your license once it can be reinstated, and a fine of up to $4,000. If your second conviction is within five years from your first, you must also have an interlock ignition device installed in your vehicle. This prevents you from operating your vehicle if you have been drinking.  

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MADD Celebrates 30 Years of "Tie One On For Safety" DUI Campaign

 Posted on November 13, 2016 in DWI / DUI

dui safety campaign, Texas dwi defense lawyerThe National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) correlates impaired driving or driving under the influence (DUI) with an even larger problem, alcohol misuse, and abuse. This definition is supported by cold hard financial data as vehicle accidents total over $37 billion annually with over 52 percent of fatalities related directly to driving under the influence.

With the advent of the holiday season through to New Year’s Eve, the results can be even more devastating and is often referred to as "DUI season." The unofficial start of DUI season is typically Thanksgiving Eve, sometimes referred to as "Black Wednesday" and is documented to be the busiest night of the year for DUI arrests.

As these startling statistics continue to raise concerns, Mothers Against Drunk Driving® (MADD), a non-profit organization dedicated to stopping impaired driving is proudly once again promoting the Tie One On For Safety® Campaign.

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Information on Texas No-Refusal Weekends

 Posted on October 29, 2016 in DWI / DUI

texas no refusal, texas dwi attorneyOccurring several weekends throughout the year, Texas police officers make a valiant effort to lessen the numbers of fatalities and other accidents resulting from DUI and DWI. The most well-known efforts around the state are "No-Refusal Weekends." These events are named aptly in that refusal for testing becomes more difficult, however, it may be very misleading to unassuming drivers unfamiliar with their rights during these situations. As a United States citizen, you have certain constitutional rights on which even Texas officers cannot infringe.

How No-Refusal Weekends Work

No-Refusal Weekends occur around major holidays or sporting events, such as Thanksgiving Day, New Years, and the Super Bowl. With plenty of audio and visual advertisement alerting drivers the weekend is near, the intent is to crack down on the amount of drivers operating vehicles while intoxicated. However, the name is confusing to many who incorrectly assume you have to succumb to any requested testing.

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Denied Access to Travel Because of a DWI

 Posted on October 12, 2016 in DWI / DUI

dwi attorney san antonioWhen you are charged and convicted of a DWI or DUI, there are certain limitations imposed by the state. One obvious alteration is the loss of unlimited driving privileges, in some cases. Did you also know that a DUI on your record can prevent you from traveling to other countries? For some, a travel ban puts a damper on their holiday travel dreams. For others, this can be a massive disruption to their work productivity.

Access Denied

Throughout the United States, if you have been convicted of a DUI and have taken care of it legally, you typically can travel across borders to other states. Although the United States is becoming increasingly progressive through its laws, not all countries feel the same way. Therefore, even if the law locally is a misdemeanor or you can retain certain privileges due to your circumstances, constituents can deny access. In some of these countries, if you have had one DUI for either alcohol or drugs, you are unable to enter the country for ten years. Frequently traveled countries follow these current guidelines:

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How a Texas DWI Can Result in Additional Child Endangerment Charges

 Posted on September 30, 2016 in DWI / DUI

dwi and child endangerment, San Antonio criminal attorneyThe Texas Department of Transportation (TxDot) reports that every 20 minutes someone is either injured or killed in a motor vehicle accident involving driving while intoxicated (DWI). As impairment begins with the first drink and depends heavily on gender, body weight, number of drinks consumed and the amount of food ingested, some people may become legally intoxicated quite quickly.

Under Texas law, someone is legally intoxicated if a person reaches a blood or breath alcohol concentration (BAC) of .08. The state also reserves the right to prosecute for DWI for anyone who is visually impaired while driving under the influence of alcohol or illegal substances.

The state imposes fines, loss of driver's license, and jail time based on the number of offenses a driver has acquired. But, facing a DWI with a minor child as a passenger can be an even more sobering experience. Those arrested for DWI with a minor passenger can be facing the following:

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MADD Shares Its Vision By Enlisting the Support of the 2016 NFL Rookie Class

 Posted on September 15, 2016 in DWI / DUI

MADD and NFL partnership, San Antonio DWI lawyerMothers Against Drunk Driving®, or better known as MADD, is currently the largest nonprofit in the United States dedicated to protecting families from the dangers of those choosing to drive while under the influence (DUI or DWI) of alcohol or an illegal substance. Founded by Candy Lightner on May 3, 1980, following the tragic death of her daughter at the hands of a drunk driver, MADD has solidified its position as one of the most influential nonprofits spreading the word of the dangers of impaired driving.

Drunk Driving Statistics

MADD reports that every 53 minutes someone is killed in an alcohol or substance abuse related accident, and every two minutes someone is injured under the same circumstances. Through outreach and education, MADD has made itself a formidable presence in American culture and with the beginning of football season the organization is expanding its affiliation with the National Football League (NFL) by enlisting the 2016 crop of NFL rookie players.

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