How to Dress and Behave at Your DWI Trial

 Posted on January 24,2020 in DWI / DUI

How to Dress and Behave at Your DWI TrialYour trial for driving while intoxicated is in some ways a judgment of your character. The court will consider who seems more credible when weighing your testimony against the testimony of the arresting police officer and other witnesses. Do you seem like an honest and trustworthy person? How you look and behave will help answer that question. Proper appearance and behavior will not guarantee that you will win your DWI case, but giving a bad impression could create a negative bias that is difficult for you to overcome. Here are four keys to making a good impression in your DWI trial:

  1. Proper Appearance: You are expected to dress conservatively and look as clean-cut as possible when appearing in court. For men, you should wear a business suit or at least a button-down shirt with a tie and dress pants. For women, a skirt or slacks will work, as long as they look professional and are not revealing. You should remove excessive piercings, keep your hair-style tame, and cover up your tattoos if possible.
  2. Arrive Early: Being late for your court appearance tells the judge that you do not respect their time or take your charge seriously. To avoid showing up late, you should plan to arrive early. This will give you some leeway in case of unexpected delays, such as bad traffic or waiting through a long security line at the courthouse.
  3. Remain Calm: You will spend most of your trial listening to other people talk about you and your arrest. You need to be quiet and attentive during this time because others in the courtroom will be watching your behavior. Sit up straight and remain still. Fidgeting makes you look nervous, which plays into the idea that you are guilty. Do not make facial expressions or gestures that show that you are angry, frustrated or bored.
  4. Speak Respectfully: When it is your turn to talk, you need to speak in a manner that is formal and respectful. Answer the questions asked of you and stay on topic. Try to use proper grammar and avoid slang terms. Do not interrupt someone else who is talking. You can learn about the way you are expected to talk by watching your defense attorney and others who normally work in a courtroom.

Contact a San Antonio DWI Defense Lawyer

Making a good first impression will help convince the judge and jurors that they should believe your testimony and make you seem like a responsible person. A San Antonio DWI defense attorney at the Law Offices of Sam H. Lock will coach you on how to appear and behave in a courtroom. Schedule your consultation by calling 210-226-0965.


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