4 Ways a Texas Traffic Stop Could Land You in Jail

 Posted on September 08,2022 in Criminal Law

san Antonio criminal defensePolice officers love turning routine traffic stops into arrests. If they can charge you with a felony, like drug possession, it is even better in their book. For you, on the other hand, the arrest may have been totally unexpected. No one expects their quick run to the store or commute home to end with them in jail and their car in an impound lot. Often, drivers are entirely unaware that they are doing something wrong at the time they get pulled over. You could have simply not realized that you had a tail light out - and really, getting pulled over is one of the more common ways that people find out about such things. The reason you got arrested may have absolutely nothing to do with the original reason you were pulled over. However, as long as the stop was legal, the following investigation can go in any direction. If you were arrested after a traffic stop, Law Offices of Sam H. Lock can fight to defend your freedom. 

Top 4 Reasons Texans Get Arrested During Traffic Stops

In general, Americans are very vulnerable to arrest while they are driving or riding in a car. It is fairly easy for police to find a reason to stop and search vehicles. Some of the most common reasons police find to arrest drivers include: 

  • Intoxication - If you get pulled over for a minor traffic violation, but the officer notices that you smell like alcohol or cannabis, you are most likely going to be arrested. Officers are trained to spot signs of intoxication by harder drugs as well. Driving while appearing even slightly “off” can lead to a criminal charge. 

  • License issues - Driving without a license or driving on a suspended or revoked license are arrestable offenses. Quite a few Texas drivers are currently cruising around, blissfully unaware that their license has been suspended due to an old unpaid fine or other minor unaddressed concerns. For many, their first clue that their license may not be presently valid is getting arrested. 

  • Drugs or weapons - If the police searched your car - with or without your consent - they were most likely looking for illegal drugs or weapons. If they find them, they may also arrest the driver and passengers. It does not make a difference to the arresting officer whether you had any idea someone had brought such items into your vehicle, but it may make a difference to the court. 

  • Reckless driving - “Reckless driving” is a fairly broad, almost catch-all charge for driving in any way that reflects a disregard for the safety of others on the road. Excessive speeding, risky passing, racing, or almost anything else the officer believes is reckless can prompt an arrest. 

If your traffic stop turned into an arrest, it is important to take the situation very seriously and find a strong defense attorney. 

Contact a Texas Criminal Defense Attorney

Law Offices of Sam H. Lock is skilled at building effective defense strategies for those accused of a crime in Texas. Our experienced San Antonio criminal defense lawyers will carefully review all the facts and circumstances surrounding your arrest to determine how best to defend you. Call 210-226-0965 for a 




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