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Understanding DWI Probation and Suspended Sentences in Texas

 Posted on October 20, 2023 in DWI / DUI

San Antonio criminal defense lawyerJudges often order probation or suspended sentences for first-time DWI offenses in Texas rather than jail time. However, these alternatives come with strict conditions. A Texas lawyer can help you gain clarity and avoid pitfalls.

What to Know About DWI Probation Requirements

Instead of jail, Texas courts may grant DWI probation, allowing you to serve your sentence supervised within the community. Probation terms typically include:

  • Mandatory substance abuse counseling.
  • Community service.
  • Installing an ignition interlock device.
  • Paying fines and costs.
  • Meeting a probation officer routinely.
  • Undergoing regular alcohol testing.

You must comply fully with all probation requirements for its entire duration. Otherwise, your probation could get revoked, meaning incarceration. Having an experienced DWI lawyer advise your probation strategy is crucial. They can help craft your probation plan, assist with conditions like interlock installation and alcohol testing, and intervene if any violations get alleged.

How Suspended Sentences Work

Suspended sentences can look different depending on your specific circumstances. Here are some examples:

  • The maximum fine for a first DWI offense is up to $2,000 plus an additional $3,000 state fine, not just $2,000. Jail time is three mandatory days up to 180 days upon conviction.
  • The maximum fine for a second DWI offense is up to $4,000 plus an additional $4,500 state fine, not just $4,000.
  • The maximum fine for a third DWI offense is $10,000 plus an additional $6,000 state fine.
  • Driving while impaired with a child passenger under 15 leads to additional fines of up to $10,000, up to two years of jail time, and a 180-day driver’s license suspension.

Key Differences and Benefits

While DWI probation and suspended sentences are similar alternatives to jailing, important differences exist in flexibility, length, and violation consequences. Probation may have stricter supervision, tighter restrictions, and longer duration. Probation also offers more opportunities to modify terms if needed. Suspended sentences are typically shorter but have harsher penalties for violations. Your attorney will explain each option fully, so you comprehend the obligations and penalties of probation versus a suspended sentence for a Texas DWI. They can advise which may suit your situation best if given a choice.

Contact a San Antonio, TX Criminal Defense Lawyer

Consider your background and circumstances when deciding between probation and a suspended sentence. For example, a suspended sentence may be riskier if you have struggled with alcohol dependency. Working with a San Antonio, TX criminal defense attorney can help you through the process. Call Law Offices of Sam H. Lock at 210-226-0965 for a

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